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Winners - May 2022

Best Picture

QUI VIVE - Pauline Clermidy

Best Narrative Film

Aion - Giulio Meliani

Best Documentary

QUI VIVE - Pauline Clermidy

Best Music Video

Destination - Chen Lu

Best Cinematography

Unseen: How We're Failing Parent Caregivers & Why It Matters - Tom Dyer

Best Sound Design

Unseen: How We're Failing Parent Caregivers & Why It Matters - Erik Sharpnack

Best Original Story

Aion - Giulio Meliani

Best Feature Screenplay

Three For Hire: Revenge of the Mescalero Apache - Dan Burle

Best Drama Screenplay

Three For Hire: Revenge of the Mescalero Apache - Dan Burle

Best Action Screenplay

Three For Hire: Revenge of the Mescalero Apache - Dan Burle

Best Western Screenplay

Three For Hire: Revenge of the Mescalero Apache - Dan Burle

Best Thriller Screenplay

Three For Hire: Revenge of the Mescalero Apache - Dan Burle

Best First Time Screenwriter

Aion - Giulio Meliani

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