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Meet the Finalist: Brent Crable, "The Assistant"

Tell us about yourself, and about The Assistant.

I am a filmmaker from Dallas... I started as an actor, comedian, doing a lot of commercial work, improv, sketch and some standup. I started writing and I was tired of "waiting on Hollywood" so I decided I'm going to write and cast myself & friends in my own movies and make my own stuff.

Share a memorable moment you experienced working on this project.

So this project was fun, memorable moment was during the final punch scene, Daniel, actually punched me on one take but luckily the Batman mask was thick enough and he stopped his hand just enough, so it did not leave a mark lol

Name 3 collaborators that you'd take with you to any other project.

Peter Calvin the Director, Rona Davis Producer, Clint Wagoneer the f/x man & Daniel Mann actor, I'd collab with these guys all day every day.

3 tips you’d like to share with aspiring artists in your field:

A) Don't wait around on "hollywood" get out there and make it happen yourself

B) Don't give up and/or think working a normal job is a failure, you can use those resources, money and experiences to help your true passion.

C) Network.... Always, you never know who you will meet, someone that can help you might be sitting at the starbucks you are at, talking about their next project.... go up and introduce yourself.

What do you hope to achieve in your career in the next 5 years?

I hope to sell a project within the next year to a network. I hope to complete a feature film by year 3 (backed by production company) by year 5 I hope to have Deep Bro Films producing TV & Film for major networks and production companies.

The Assistant is nominated for Best Director and Best Duo of the Year at the New York Film Awards.


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