Winners - March 2023
Best Picture
Committing to Burglary - JJ Duffy
Best Narrative Film
Committing to Burglary - JJ Duffy
Best Music Video
Elephant GYM - Deities' Party - Che Yeh
Best Score
The Goldsmith - Alexander Cimini
Best Feature Screenplay
Donavan Emery, The Android & Himself - Jesse Dorian
Best Drama Screenplay
Colorado - Nicholas S Mata
Best Thriller Screenplay
Three For Hire: Tombstone, The Lethal Connection - Dan Robert Burle
Best Action Screenplay
Three For Hire: Tombstone, The Lethal Connection - Dan Robert Burle
Best Western Screenplay
Three For Hire: Tombstone, The Lethal Connection - Dan Robert Burle
Winners may order the official New York Film Awards statuette
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