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Meet the Finalist: Jean Marie Lamour, "Follow The Arrow"

Tell us about yourself, and about Follow The Arrow.

I have been very lucky to work with some great talented directors like François OZON, Florian ENKEL VON DONESMARK and many others… inclued Marc SAEZ. And I ham very honored to be selected as BEST ACTOR DUO for the film “FOLLOW THE ARROW” because it’s a magic movie. A film with several directions and you never know where it goes, directed by talent by Marc SAEZ !

Share a memorable moment you experienced working on this project.

First I was really happy and proud to be chosen by Marc for the lead role with Veronique PICCIOTTO. A little bit afraid and not comfortable with nudity, but during the shooting Marc SAEZ was so caring and attentionate that I forgot my fears and just enjoyed being on his set.

Name 3 collaborators that you'd take with you to any other project.

If I had to take 3 people that I would be in any other project that would be Marc Saez and Véronique Picciotto and also the director Jacques Audiard.

3 tips you’d like to share with aspiring artists in your field:

If I hade one advise to say to young actors : “Don’t judge you when you act… and trust your director.” There is so many important issues in film making as an actor so if I had to choose only 3 of them it I would say : “Know your lines, be flexible, and be generous with your emotions !”

What do you hope to achieve in your career in the next 5 years?

For the next 5 years I hope to work again with Marc. I will be also on stage and write plays.

Jean Marie Lamour and Veronique Picciotto are nominated for Best Duo of the Year at the New York Film Awards.


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