Winners - July 2023
Best Picture
The Unicorn that Never Lies - Chandler Riggs, Xavier Jimenez
Best Drama
My Little Girl - Laura Isabel Figueroa, Emanuel Loarca
Best Romantic Comedy
Love is Found in Unexpected Places - Jason Richard Boyer
Best Animation
Technical Problem - William Wang
Best Director
The Unicorn that Never Lies - Chandler Riggs, Xavier Jimenez
Best Actor
Pieces of Mess - Anson Zheng
Best Actress
The Unicorn that Never Lies - Mia Cole
Best Actress in an Indie Film
My Little Girl - Laura Isabel Figueroa
Best Duo
The Unicorn that Never Lies - Mia Cole & Jason Dolley
Best Commercial
The Multiverse of Happy Generation - Hsun-Chun Chuang
Best Original Story
A Piece of Work is Man - Kain Baigent, Stig Wemyss
Best Screenplay
The Life & Times of a Cubicle-Crazy Co-Worker! - Brett Howard Nelson
Winners may order the official New York Film Awards statuette
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